For whatever reason, I kept this picture of John Lansing who played Doc. I'm guessing the reason is I thought he was cute... but not cute enough to watch the show. The tape mark on it tells me that I actually hung it on my wall.
It seems like something I would have watched since I loved the live action Saturday morning shows. Perhaps I saw it once and it was so bad I never watched it again? It is one of the mysteries of life.
I remember the "Kids from CAPER"! It was pretty difficult to watch, because it was on Saturday mornings at 11:00...and by 11:00, I was well on my way to doing other things with my day, having spent the last five hours watching cartoons and wolfing down "Fruit Brute." IIRC, I actually have a cassette that contains the theme from this TV show...I'll see what I can do to dig it up.....
Awesome! I love that you have a cassette of the theme. The kids of today have no idea what happened before vcrs. Sitting in front of the tv with a tape recorder held up to the speaker, asking everyone in the house to be quiet, getting kicked in the head by your brother to pay you back for everything you'd ever done to him. Those were the days....
I loved the kids from C.A.P.E.R
I would watch it every Saturday morning and had such a hard time finding out about it.I finally found the name of the show and can't get enough of it now. My kids think it was such a lame show, but back then, to me was great and I still love it.I really would like to find out what ever happened to the actors that played on it....this show was my cup of tea ..
Bernie from Pa.
I thought I was the only one who watched the show. I loved the show and Doc was cute. I think they were trying to groom him to be the next David Cassidy. I don't remember when they took the show off the air, but I enjoyed watching them on Saturday mornings, right along with Schoolhouse Rock.
I loved this show. I watched every episode of it. Too bad NBC did not renew CAPER for another season or two. This show was cool and funny!.
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