I didn't like Kiss when I was younger. I thought they were stupid. So, you justifiably ask, why did I buy some Kiss bubblegum cards? I have no freakin' idea. The only thing I can think of is that I liked trading cards, and I liked the taste and smell of the stick bubblegum that came with them. In defense of my theory, I did only buy one pack.
I think I might have had these. The Peter Criss card looks mighty familiar.
I hear you about the smell of the gum and such. I've heard they don't put gum with the cards anymore. No big loss, I suppose, since the gum was awful, but still . . . time marches on.
The gum was pretty awful since it just sort of snapped into pieces when you put it in your mouth. Then you had to chew it for awhile to get it soft and in one piece. But it smelled delicious. I can't believe they don't put gum in with bubblegum cards anymore - what next, no cards?!
Ah, the delectably wonderful smell of bubblegum from bubblegum cards! It smelled so much better than it ever tasted...always a disappointment to crack (literlly) into it.
cool site-
If you get the chance, check out my new animated blog-I'm a huge fan of the old Batman cards-I'm sure you'll see the influence...
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