Monday, December 12, 2005

From Teen Idol to Old Balding Guy

My dad's aunt bought me this book when I was a teenager. I never did read it. It looked very light weight - like a really long article written for a teen magazine. But it did have some nice pictures of Leif in it. He was a really cute kid.

It must be hard for teen idols once they pass that cute phase and start blending in with everyone else on the street. You used to have a hundred thousand teenagers screaming just to touch your hair, and now you're going to have trouble picking up a drunken college girl at your local bar. How the heck do you cope with that?


Shannon said...

Apparently you cope with that by being publicly bitter about your breakup with Nicollette Sheridan from many many years ago. ;)

Monkey said...

Good point Shannon. Apparently, his coping skills are not as healthy as they could be. Who knew?

Michelle Souliere said...

Forget touching his hair. I always wanted to lick it. Looked just like cotton candy.

Anonymous said...

I shared a stick of gum with Leif once.
Such soft, soft hands...

Jimmy said...

Anyone remember when he guest-starred on CHIPS?

Chris Jart said...

I would share a stick of gum with Leif...and avoid mentioning Nicolette Sheridan. I would bet he has soft hands due to having never done manual labor in his entire life. Hey, but at least he's not Corey Haim.

I remember a little bit about him being on CHiPs? Didn't he sing at a disco?

Anonymous said...

...and the capper to his career seems to be appearing on the Drudge Report and Smoking Gun websites as a junkie busted in a street sting...