I was even more excited when I found that it glowed in the dark! Actually only his head and hands glowed, but that still made it cooler than a regular model. Boy was I happy. What kid wouldn't want a glowing Frankenstein looking down on them as they sleep?

Well, that would be me. Do you know how creepy it is to see a glowing monster head and hands on the other side of your bedroom? The damn thing scared me to death every night. My heart would pound and I'd be afraid to close my eyes in fear that if I did it would come to life and kill me. Yet I didn't want to look at it either...because then I might actually see it come to life and lumber over to kill me.
I solved the glowing killer monster model problem by putting it in my closet every night. Well, it solved part of the problem. I didn't have to see it, but I did fear the closet door bursting open and a glowing freak jumping over to my bed to kill me. Ahhhh good times.... I no longer have the model, which is sad except for the fact that I would still fear it - which may actually be sadder.
That's THE coolest Christmas pic I've ever seen!! You got a Frankenstein model for Christmas!!...Chris you rock!!
Thanks, Riley. It was kind of an odd gift since I wasn't into models. Perhaps there was a tv commercial for it? I give my parents serious props for buying me that, and not getting me some girlie present that I would never use.
Was that an Aurora plastics model? (if you can remember, ha). I had a Creature from the Black Lagoon one.
I think we must be related somehow.
I don't remember, but it does look like the graphic on the upper left of the box could be an A.
WOW. I remember you telling me stories about that Frankenstein. But seeing actual photos of mini-Chris opening it up on Christmas day... *sigh*
It just makes me happy.
Thanks Chris!
I had that one and a Dracula one. I kept them in the window next to my bed. They were pretty cool at the time.
That's classic. I had the whole Aurora glow collection back in the early 70's. I was totally into it. Those model's are now going for big bucks on eBay FYI.
I had one. But I wanted it to glow really, really bright so I put it up against my light bulb.
then it melted and sent acrid, lung-destroying smoke into the air.
We had to throw out the model, my lamp, and we all had to sleep in the basement that night.
Where you at?
Man I had that same model! I also had a Dracula one that glowerd in the dark. I think i got mine in 1975 but not really sure. I liked the monster models much more than the car models. Thanks for reviving a cool memory!
I still have them all and their still in my bedroom, no wonder I'm divorced,LOL
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