It's really surprising to come home and find a mass produced autographed picture of Barry Manilow in your mailbox. It's even more surprising when you don't actually like Barry Manilow and have no recollection of writing him a fan letter. Was it an elaborate prank, or did I write to him years before in a fit of dementia? I never did figure it out.
If I can snag it from my husband, some day I'll post his reply from Ernest Borgnine. His little sister sent him a questionaire (What's your favorite color, etc.) and he actually filled it out! What a sweet man.
Sounds like a prank. Once, I sent a letter to Ronald Reagan on behalf of a liberal friend, saying that my friend was a big fan of Reagan, and would love a birthday card from the president. They got their birthday card from the Gipper, and didn't know whether they should laugh or hit me.
I'd love to see the reply from Ernest Borgnine. Anytime someone will answer silly questions from a kid that's pretty cool.
It may have been a prank, but there was no way to guarantee I'd even get a response. Plus for a kid it's a pretty elaborate prank. Perhaps in a moment of temporary insanity five years earlier I wrote him a letter, but he got so much fan mail it took years to get a response? I don't know. It's still a mystery.
I just came from Bad Influences, and I would like to nominate a bad recipe for your review.
Ubermilf ~ That recipe made me lose my breakfast. Eww.
Barry Manilow. I never thought he was cute, but I was addicted to that horrible piece of schmaltz "Mandy".
"Oh Mandy! How you came and you gave without taaaakingggg..."
It made my prepubescent eyes mist up.
I went to a wedding. The groom came down the aisle to the "Superman" movie theme. The bride, Amanda, came down the aisle to... you guessed it!
I think you're being stalked by Barry. Seriously, watch out!!
Her Milfesty ~ Will I not be allowed to keep one meal down tonight? Must you torment me with these tales from the squishy underbelly of Americana?
Stop I tell you! (And here's a question, if you were there, how did you restrain yourself from letting out an unrestrained: BWA HA HA HA HAHA)
I agree, Monkey. I can't laugh, and I can't sing. I'm finding it hard to do anything.
Velveta fudge has got to be one of the most disgusting recipes I've ever heard...I wonder if I should make it. I'm sickened, yet intrigued.
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