Monday, September 05, 2005

Starsky and Hutch, Sitting in a Tree...

I never watched this when it was originally on, but I have seen it in reruns and it's great - if you like dated seventies culture, and I certainly do! Is it just me, or does this photo really look as if these two are a couple rather than a team of detectives? I think it's the hand on the shoulder, the larger than life laugh, and the incredibly hideous shirt made from my grandmothers patchwork quilt.


Monkey said...

The hand on the shoulder is actually clenched into a fist, which makes everything more interesting. You can imagine poor Starsky thinking, "Fucking David Soul, always getting the chicks... he's going to go bald in few years and then I'll show 'em! I'll show 'em!"


Jimmy said...

Yes, Starsky definitely appears to be doing something to Hutch. I can't see Hutch's hands, and that makes me nervous.
When I was a kid, we had a Grand Torino like they did. Ours was dark green instead of red with a white stripe, but I still thought it was pretty damn cool.

Chris Jart said...

Yeah, he might be saying "Shut the hell up Hutch. If you laugh like a hyena one more time, I'm going to knock your teeth out. And then who'll get the girls, huh? HUH!!!!!"

So Jimmy, did you slide across the hood of your Grand Torino like Starsky and Hutch did?

Monkey said...

Chris... are you subtley talking about my style of laughter here? Johnny Damned is always saying I laugh like a hyena on acid.

Jimmy said...

Yeah, Chris, I tried the "hood slide," but it came off less like Starskey and more like Will Farrell, ha.