Monday, August 15, 2005

Welcome to the Leif Garrett Fan Club...that will be $4.95

If there's one thing a fan club message should be, it's sincere. Guess it's too bad Leif didn't realize that because this thing is so stilted and awkward, that when you hear it you can't help but picturing him reading a long page of text that he's never seen before - either because it was written by someone else, or because he was in an alcohol induced haze when he scrawled it on a cocktail napkin.


Jimmy said...

"Hello, welcome to my fan . . . club. My name is Leif (sound of page turning) Garrett."

Chris Jart said...

Ha! It's almost that bad! It sounds like when I was in junior high and had to read plays out loud in English class. Plus it doesn't sound like something a teenage boy would say.

Skinny Robbie said...

My niece was the biggest Leif Garrett fan on Earth and she had that record, along with gads of teen mags, pinups, etc. She lived at our house, so when she got married and moved out, I ended up cleaning the room and throwing out the junk. The mags & stuff went, but I didn't have the heart to throw out *any* record, including this thing. Years later, my friends and I actually played it...unbelievable stuff, this. He sounds so bored that he mumbles through it like he's in a drug stupor (he may have been), but in several places you can hear the paper rattling from page turning. The script he reads is inane and it's obvious that he hates having to read it. Davy Jones would have done something like this with a heart full of joy, but Leif was obviously wanting to go catch a buzz and head to the disco.

Hey, he was great in "Walking Tall" - who could hold back the tears during the hospital scene? (And wasn't that him in "Macon County Line", too?)

Unless someone already has, I should probably rip my copy to mp3, assuming mine is still where I think I left it...